“The Global Learning Series” Launches The Global “Girls and Women Project”
Global Web, Social Media and Television Education Program Celebrates Ongoing Mission to Highlight Woman of All Ages in Our World Today
NEW YORK - “The Global Learning Series,” the storied education-focused global web and television distributed program in its 9th season, is now celebrating the launch of our most exciting project yet, “The Global Girls and Women Project”. This global initiative will feature dozens of magazine-style documentary segments highlighting global and social responsibility topics for woman of all ages. These segments include healthcare, lifestyle, government, social and business/economic issues.
“The Global Learning Series” focus and mission has always been to continue challenging and educating global audiences. “We are very proud to be currently working with many partners/global industry leaders on “The Global Girls and Women Project”, like GE Healthcare, Jacuzzi Group Worldwide, L.A.D. Global Enterprises, Inc./MorLuv Scrubs, and etc., noted John McGuire, President, CEO and Executive Producer for “The Global Learning Series.”
We have always been honored to partner with the world’s leading experts, educators, health specialists, patients, medical institutions, industry leaders, foreign nations, public and private foundations, philanthropists and etc., who are all leading the charge in advocacy, awareness, education and encouragement regarding challenges for girls and women.
Throughout the years, our educational stories have always continued to encourage and empower girls and women everywhere of all ages. We would like our global viewers and partners to celebrate with us, in investing in woman of excellence.
The segments will be distributed to global web, social media and television venues, including individual public television stations and several U.S. cable television stations throughout North America and the Caribbean. The campaign will educate both professional and public viewers on important issues and advances regarding girls and women across a vast range of topics.
We can't do this alone...if you are a celebrity, organization or a viewer, join our partners…you can assist this global movement with; your celebrity introduction/support (celebrities), your sponsorship (organizations) or your success stories/program ideas (fans and viewers). Visit our contact page on these links; TheGlobalGirlsandWomenProject.com, http://bit.ly/glsproject, http://bit.ly/glsbloggirlswomanproject
About “The Global Learning Series”
“The Global Learning Series” is the storied education-focused, issue-oriented, non-commercial program, and is independently produced and distributed directly to global web, social media and television venues, including individual public television stations and several cable television stations throughout North America and the Caribbean “The Global Learning Series” strictly follows the standards and practices of individual public television stations, and is distributed freely to individually owned and operated public television stations and many news and education broadcasting stations and services, professional and public websites, for them to use at their own discretion. “The Global Learning Series” program is not affiliated with PBS in any fashion. For program information, contact: "http://www.thegloballearningseries.tv".
“The Global Learning Series”
Patricia Stricker 001-561-290-0698 Ext 279
28/10/2013 Business Wire
Why The Global Leaders In Every Industry And Space, Assist "The Global Learning Series" With Educational Content
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